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Selectmen's Minutes - May 23, 1995
            Minutes of May 23, 1995 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Acting Chair; Charles Flynn;
James Haggerty; Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  

I. Meeting opened: Chair Murdoch called the meeting called to
order at 7:08pm requesting the Bills and Warrants be signed.

II. Reorganization: Murdoch welcomed Haggerty back to the Board.
A. Nominations for Chairman: Murdoch nominated Haggerty and Jones
gave second.  Murdoch cited Haggerty's past Chairmanship.
Kuchinski nominated herself citing ranking membership and wanting
the privilege to serve Town in that role.  Jones gave second.
Jones moved and Flynn seconded nominations be closed.  Murdoch
called the vote on Haggerty nomination - four in favor and
Kuchinski opposed; on the Kuchinski nomination - one in favor and
four opposed (Haggerty, Flynn, Murdoch and Jones).   Murdoch
turned the meeting over to Haggerty.  B. Nominations for Vice-
Chairman: In nominating Kuchinski, Murdoch cited her status as
the ranking member without chair opportunity and Jones gave
second.  Murdoch nominated by  Jones and second by Flynn.
Murdoch withdrew her name.  Jones closed Nominations with second
by Flynn.  Vote was 5-0 in favor of Kuchinski. C. Nominations for
Clerk: When no-one step forward, Kuchinski volunteered to
continue her service to the residents.  Jones nominated Kuchinski
and Flynn seconded. The vote was 5-0.

II. A. Meeting Time: Motion 5/23/95.1: move to have 7:30pm as the
start time for Selectmen meetings.  Motion made by Kuchinski with
second by Flynn. Motion carried 5-0.   B. Agenda Schedule:
Haggerty noted that the agenda will close the Thursday prior to a
Tuesday meeting that any other items would be put on the agenda
as an Emergency through the Chair.  Haggerty stated that
Selectman Action Requests will not be voted until the following
meeting after the Request is made.

III. Police Contract Signing: Union, represented by Joe Larkin
and Dick Farrell, present to sign the Memo of Agreement
withdrawing the Unfair Labor grievance and to sign the negotiated
contract for FY96 - FY98.  Previously the vote had been taken,
announced and lines voted at Town Meeting.

IV. Hanson Housing Authority / Peg Kitchenham: As Director of the
Authority, Kitchenham present to apprise the Board of Selectmen
that HUD has awarded the Town of Hanson $21,060 for a coordinator
of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program. This grant would be for
one year and would commence upon HUD signing.  No impact on any
other Town Budget line if HUD does not re-fund this position.
Hanson presently has been awarded 25 Section 8 certificates.
Motion 5/23/95.2: move to have the Town of Hanson accept the
grant and to also note that the Housing Authority did a fine
application.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 5-0.  Motion 5/23/95.3: move that the Board of
Selectmen send a letter to the Housing Authority commending them
and their Director for a fine job in obtaining the grant for this
co-ordinator position.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by
Murdoch. Motion carried 5-0.

V. Stephen Luke / Keg law reimbursements:  Mr. Luke proposed a
quarterly schedule of reimbursement to the Town for the unclaimed
keg deposits.  Motion 5/23/95.4: move that the Board of Selectmen
accept the proposed quarterly keg deposit fee schedule Town-wide
for all package stores to follow.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Jones. Motion carried 5-0.  

VI. Old Colony Planning Council: The Council is interested in
holding a meeting of the Region's Chief Elected Officials to
discuss issues of mutual concern.  The June meeting will focus on
water supply protection concerns. Requested dates are June 14 and
June 21.  Flynn could attend the 14th and Kuchinski the 21st.
Others are available either night.  Office staff to inform OCPC
of the Board's interest to attend.

VII. June Meetings: Selectmen Meetings:  Motion 5/23/95.5: move
to set June 6 and 23, 1995 at 7:30pm as the next meetings of the
Board of Selectmen.  Motion made by Jones with second by Jones.
Motion carried 5-0.  Murdoch requested that the Chair and
Executive Secretary schedule off Tuesdays or Saturday mornings as
long range planning sessions of the Board of Selectmen. Rockland
Landfill: DEP set meeting for June 7 and 7:30pm at the Hanover
Town Hall. Building Inspector Search Committee: Meeting set for
June 5, 1995.

VIII. Hawkers and Peddlers' license: Charles Sweet requesting
license to sell fruits and vegetables at the intersection of
Routes 27 and 58. Motion 5/23/95.6: move to issue Hawkers and
Peddlers' license to Charles Sweet.  Motion by Kuchinski with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Common Victualers' License: Hanson Historical Society
requesting license for the June Strawberry Festival and the
September Annual Harvest Fair. Motion 5/23/95.7: move to issue a
Common Victualers' license as requested. Motion by Kuchinski with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.

X. Horace Atwood: He wants to know the status of the concrete
bounds being placed on his property and wants to know why the
nice loam and seed can't be placed along the road side at the
residences as promised when this project began three years ago in
September.  Harris will need to be contacted for status with the
state engineers.  Atwood suggested that the Board hire an
engineer as Superintendent of Buildings who then could appoint
himself Building Inspector and thereby save Town monies for being
able to give multiple services to the Town.

XI. Minutes: Motion 5/23/95.8: move to accept the Regular Session
Minutes of March 28, 1995, the Executive Session minutes of March
28, 1995, and the Regular sessions of March 29, 1995, April 4,
1995 and April 12, 1995.  Motion made by Kuchinski with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0-1 (Haggerty abstained - not a Board
member).  Murdoch entered her annual comment for no copies to be
given to her since individual copies were a waste.

XII. Selectmen Reports: Kuchinski reported on the various
committees and event she attended: 1. Drainage Committee: met
last Saturday to discuss problems on Reed Street, Adams Circle,
Spring Street near Rockland Landfill.  Corrective activities and
money allocations for FY96 will be discussed at the Committee's
next meeting on June 10 at 9AM.  2. Street Lighting: next meeting
will be Thursday, June 8th.  3. Emergency Center Management
Committee: will also meet on Thursday, June 8th. 4. Alternative
Sewerage Committee: next meeting is May 24th at 7:30pm.
Committee will be looking for responses to survey from the
residents around the ponds. Committee will also have a meeting
June 14 with guest speakers.  5. Maquan School "World Book
Partners in Excellence Program" - attended the excellent program
organized by Donna Flynn and the PTO whereby the childrens'
efforts in reading over 25,000 books and obtaining quantities of
resource materials was celebrated.  Jones reported on attending
the joint meeting with ADA and CIC with Flynn and Nugent.  The
Committees are working together to coordinate efforts in
completing required renovations to various Town buildings.

Memorial Day and Patriotic Observance: Board of Selectmen will
attend the ceremonies beginning at 9:00AM on Monday, May 29th.
Haggerty to read the Annual Memorial Day Proclamation issued by
the Governor's office.

XI. Adjournment: Motion 5/23/95.9: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.  Adjourned at